How to Keep Your House Warm During the Winter Months
Posted February 8, 2017 by Eric Tiffany in Uncategorized
As the last few months of winter make their presence known to cold-weary homeowners, those high monthly heating bills can break the bank. However, you can’t sit around shivering at home either just to save a few dollars. Trying to warm up without having to resort to adjusting the thermostat? These tricks will give you warmth without the need for additional and costly heat from your furnace.
Manage Curtains Properly
Some people think curtains should stay closed all winter, while others need the natural light to stave off seasonal issues. For best heat management, track the sun. Open your curtains wide anytime there is sun shining directly on your home to bring in as much natural warmth as possible. As soon as that sunlight becomes indirect due to clouds or the arrival of evening, close the curtains tightly to keep in the accumulated heat. Investing in insulated curtains can help keep the heat inside while your curtains are closed.
Reflect Heat
Are you relying on a radiating source of heat like an oil-filled radiator or wall-mounted gas heater? If so, a lot of the heat coming out of the unit is likely absorbing into the wall behind the heater and escaping your home’s interior. Try using sheets of heat-proof aluminum foil to reflect that heat back into the room. Stick with a product designed for this purpose because the foil that you use for food is too thin to offer much heat reflection.
Close Up Gaps
Most homeowners are well aware of the value of weatherstripping for windows and doors, but there are other air leaks in the home that are more commonly overlooked. Do you have a chimney you rarely use? Even when the flue is tightly shut, some heat is escaping. Installing a device known as a chimney balloon offers a tighter seal and keeps heat inside the house. Foundation cracks, unfinished rooms that aren’t shut off from the rest of the house, and evenly improperly designed plumbing vents can all send your precious heat outside.
Focus on the Body
Sometimes it’s just not practical to heat an entire home that is barely occupied. Concentrate on delivering heat to the residents, not just warming up the whole place. Personal space heaters, electric blankets and extra layers of clothing still cost less than pumping heat into hundreds of square feet that are empty for most of the day. Prioritize your heating by turning off vents in rooms that are rarely used.
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